Board of Directors Approved 05/03/07
April 5, 2007

Present: Williams, Hon. James F. Moelk, Fisher, Gerhardt, Angen, Tauber, Hakenen, Martin, Machado, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hotaling, Curtola
Guests: Tom Brafford, Gil Walker, Mike Roach

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of April 5, 2007
Martin motioned to approve, Gerhardt seconded. The motion carried.

Cart Path Restriction - Brafford, Walker, G., Roach
At the March Board of Directors meeting it was decided to restrict golf carts to paths only to allow the course to heal. The green and golf committees agree that the month restriction has been very beneficial for the golf course and feel the course is ready for carts. Brafford requested to remove the cart paths only restriction. Angen motioned to remove the restriction, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.

Tree on #4 – Brafford, Walker, G., Roach
At the March Board of Directors meeting, the golf committee requested Board approval to top and reshape the tree on #4 to enhance play, if the Green Committee is agreeable. The Board declined.
The Green Committee voted and approved (not unanimously) to request the Board for the removal of the tree on #4. Brafford, Roach and Walker presented the Committees’ reasons for their respective recommendation. Both committees believe the tree is preventing the hole to be played as designed. The tree had been topped about 15 years ago and it now has grown taller and wider. It is the wrong type of tree for the area. Cost for the removal is $1,000.00 which would come from Story’s tree budget. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made to leave the tree in place. The motion was approved (5 to 3). The Board believed that the tree makes the hole unique and removal would change the holes character.

President’s Report
A group of NEB president’s wants to meet to study common issues related to country clubs and to sponsor management training classes. This is a new group and a meeting date has not yet been scheduled.
The draft mission statement has been sent to all committees. Committee input is expected by mid-April. Williams scheduled a working meeting with committee chairs on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. to finalize the draft to send to the membership for approval.

Tennis Sub-Committee – Hon. James F. Moelk
The committee met twice in March to evaluate the tennis program. NEB clubs with tennis programs were contacted for information on their tennis operations. Certain NEB clubs complimented our tennis program. The sub-committee discussed having a full time tennis professional, an on call pro, a part time pro, that is, a pro who did not work winter months. The sub-committee concluded that the quality of our tennis program would deteriorate without a full time tennis professional and recommends no change to our current tennis operation. The Hon. James F. Moelk will submit a written report. In further discussion the Board wants all members, guests, and non-members to sign-in so total usage can be determined and monitored. The Board also requested tennis usage data to be included in the monthly tennis minutes.

General Manager Report
Nextell: The Nextell contract is closer to a resolution. It is still unclear whether or not it will be approved by all involved.
NCGA Foundation: Capozzo forwarded a request form the NCGA Foundation to the Golf Committee. Last year this same request was declined by the committee.
GVCC Employee Handbook: The Employee Handbook has been reviewed by our labor attorney. Some revisions will be made.
Disrupted Water Supply: On Sunday, March 31, 2007 there was no water at the Club due to repair work on a broken pipe in the canyon.
New Year’s Eve Band: Rocky and the Revelette will be the band for this year’s event.
Wireless Service: Wireless service for Broadband will be available at the maintenance yard to allow Story to communicate with the pump station. The tennis building is able to benefit from this also. If the secured wireless works well, it can be offered to members for laptop use in the Terrace.

Treasurer’s Report
There was a review of the 2007 monthly cash flow, and the 2007 cumulative total. The two months food and beverage line was over budget due to a decline in sponsored parties in January and February 2007compared to 2006. Gerhardt requested food cost data from Capozzo.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary: Wayne & Paula Withers.
Social: Pete & Cindy Smith, and Francisco & Priscilla Neri.
Hakenen motioned to approve all applicants, Angen seconded. The motion carried. The Board took note of three Notice To Sell forms, and one reduction notice in the asking price of a membership. All notices are effective April 6, 2007.

Committee Reports
Green: The committee felt the “restrictions to cart paths only” was a good decision but felt disappointed that they were not notified in advance. Gerhart would like the Green and Golf Committees to recommend the restriction next year, in advance, such as Dec., Jan., Feb., allowing Story to plan his maintenance schedule and to reduce stress on the turf..
S.I.D.: The PG&E easement has not been finalized by SID so the pump station work has not started..
Sand Bunkers: Some of the oldest bunkers are12 years old and due for upgrading. Story is reviewing alternative sources of supply for bunker sand.
Green Long Range Plan: Fairways have been cut wider than provided for in the criteria specified in the golf course long range plan. Story may chalk line some of the fairways to mark the recommended width and the changes have already started.
Golf: Rounds of golf increased in March.
House: In the April meeting the Committee will walk the facilities to see what need to be done.
Tennis: The committee discussed how to make future Socials more competitive, solicit volunteers to help with Social events, and reviewed the draft Mission Statement. Comments on the mission statement will be sent to Wray who will forward them to Williams.
Membership: The committee received the draft mission statement to review and discuss at the April committee meeting. The committee forwarded the applications of Withers and Smith to the Board for approval. Should the Neri’s acquire their four sponsors, the committee also recommends them to the Board for approval.
Food & Beverage: Comment boxes have been installed in the Terrace Atrium and the Main Lounge areas. A discussion was held on incentives for members to submit comment cards (free dinner, bottle of wine, free dessert).
Some Board members suggested a complimentary birthday dinner for members; one complimentary dinner per membership per year. Machado recommended that the complimentary birthday dinner be referred to Food & Beverage and Social committees for input.
The Board requested Capozzo to implement a new corkage policy: If a member brings a bottle of wine to the Club, his corkage will be waived if he orders a bottle of wine from the Club. The policy applies on a 1 purchased to 1 free corkage basis.
B&G: The committee is obtaining bids for the restroom at #6.
Pool & Fitness: The committee is preparing for the pool season. Swim meets have been scheduled, sign up forms for the swim team and group swim lessons will be in the May KEY.
Finance: The committee reviewed changes to the new budgeting schedule.
Long Range: A request has been sent to all committees requesting input of what is needed in the plan.

Machado motioned to adjourn, Gerhardt seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa M. Sottana, Assistant to the General Manager